A Fun Dog IQ Test

Dogs have unique personalities and intelligence levels, just like humans. This fun Dog IQ Test is designed to give you a glimpse of your furry friend's mental prowess. Remember, this quiz is just for fun and should not be taken too seriously. So, let's get started and discover your dog's IQ! Instructions: Perform each task with your dog, and keep track of their score. Make sure to provide treats and praise throughout the test!

The Hidden Treat Test: Place a treat under a small cup or bowl while your dog is watching.

If your dog retrieves the treat within 30 seconds
If it takes between 31 and 60 seconds
If they don't find the treat within a minute

The Name Game: Choose three different toys and teach your dog their names. Once your dog seems familiar with the names, ask them to fetch each toy by name, in random order.

If your dog retrieves the correct toy on the first try for all three
If they get two out of three correct
If they only get one or none correct

The Tangled Leash Test: With your dog on their leash, gently wrap the leash around a pole or tree (make sure it's safe and comfortable for your dog). Encourage your dog to untangle themselves.

If they do it within 30 seconds
If it takes between 31 and 60 seconds
If they don't untangle themselves within a minute

The Towel Challenge: Place a treat under a towel or small blanket.

If your dog uncovers the treat within 15 seconds
If it takes between 16 and 30 seconds
If they don't uncover the treat within 30 seconds

The Three Cup Shuffle: Place three cups or bowls upside down and hide a treat under one of them. Shuffle the cups around while your dog watches.

If your dog identifies the correct cup on the first try
If it takes two tries
If they don't find the treat within three tries